Successful start to the Swiss Pickleball Tour 2024: a review of the tournament hosted by Tennis Düdingen
The first tournament of the Swiss Pickleball Tour 2024 took place yesterday at Tennis Düdingen in an outstanding setting. With 5 tournament courts and two play-in courts, the setup offered optimal conditions for exciting matches. A big thank you goes to Rewan Abubaker from Tennis Düdingen for the first-class organization of the tournament, to Pro Pickleball for providing additional nets and other material and to our numerous helpers who actively supported the event.
Particularly worth mentioning is the use of RAQT as tournament software for the first time in Switzerland, which enabled every participant to be constantly informed about upcoming, ongoing and completed games on their cell phone. So we were completely paperless!
The standard of the matches was extremely high and exceeded all expectations. Both the men's and women's teams put in first-class performances on the court. With a total of 50 participants, the tournament was completely sold out, with 8 teams in women's doubles, 14 teams in men's doubles and 18 teams in mixed doubles competing for points in the official Swiss pickleball ranking.
We were also particularly pleased to welcome so many new pickleball players to the scene. We are excited to see how quickly the level will develop and what exciting games await us in the future!
Many thanks to all participants and players for this successful start to the tournament.
Best regards, Swiss Pickleball Association
From the following Clubs were on site at the end of the match: